Friday, July 14, 2006

My Eyes Have Opened

I didn't sleep very well last night - I went up to bed at about midnight as I was genuinely tired, but was lying there wide awake still at 2am. The truth is however that I thoroughly enjoyed it. The reason for my not being able to sleep is completely attributable to excitement and ideas for this blog.

It hasn't stopped there though. I've also been almost narrating everything I'm doing as if I'm writing a blog at all times during the day. Whilst at the shop earlier today, I could hear myself blogging about the new notebook I've bought and the diary to accompany it. That's another story for my first real article which I hope to write tomorrow as part of my willpower task.

The other thing I've noticed is a definite increase in my energy levels and a massive improvement in my mood. I'm suddenly really happy - almost ecstatic even. I'm itching to continue down this path of self improvement. I walked around Cardiff today (in Wales/UK) - I work in the city centre, so lunchtimes are extremely busy, with hundreds to thousands of others all walking around. And strangely, being in this environment made me very happy too. I was intrigued by the people around me. I wore a beaming smile, and paid detailed attention to everyone around me. And it's amazing how much you can find out just by watching others. The majority of people really looked like they wanted to be somewhere else, or with someone else. Occassionally I'd notice someone smiling and looking around like me, and I wondered whether these people had embarked on the same journey that I recently have.

I am motivated now like never before. I know where I'm going, and even the things in my life which could do with some serious improving all seem tiny now since I know that eventually I will make it.

I welcome you all to join me and succeed too.


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