Saturday, July 15, 2006

Task List Part 1

I took my first steps towards completing the willpower task today, with me having started working on what it is that I'd actually change. I've bought myself a nice black notebook, no lines (I like to draw a lot of things rather than write). I went for a fairly expensive notepad too - leather bound and really nice to look at and hold. If this is to be the way I improve my life significantly, then I want to do it in style, not with a 50 pence notebook.

I'm hoping to have my willpower task completed by tomorrow. One of the things that I'm struggling with at the moment is being able to make order of the mess. As I've said already, I'm really motivated by all of this, which is unusual of late, and yet there's so much there for me to think about that it's all blurring into a single mess of tasks and projects and ideas.

So I've decided upon a rule for my journey.

Rule 1: I'm going to start putting deadlines on certain things. Not all things, but since I'm doing this in tandem with a full time job at the moment, I need to give myself targets for the important things.

So, the first deadline I've decided upon is tomorrow. By tomorrow, I'll not only have a big task and project list for me to work towards, but I'll also have written an article for visitors to this blog on how I managed to get started and put together the task list.

I look forward to tomorrow.


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