Monday, August 21, 2006

Intention Manifestation Update

In recent posts, I have written about intention manifestation and the effects it has been having on my life (see Intention Manifestation), and considering whether the effects were caused by myself or indeed as a result of my intentions. I have seen some drastic results of late, results that have convinced me further of the effects of manifesting these intentions. We set up a company recently, which was the first step towards more independence, but hadn't really moved it much further than simply setting the company up. Then recently, a number of events occurred which caused this to progress a lot more quickly and in a specific direction, the most obvious of which being the fact that I will soon no longer be employed by my current employer. In addition, some of our contacts have recently met up with us out of the blue, and this has led to a number of decisions being made that will set the company moving in the right direction, and with the support of a number of already established partner companies.

All of this has occurred without much cause-effect on our behalfs. Of course, having the ambition to pursue these opportunities and the motivation to make the most of them has improved the results, but I believe that the events themselves are definitely the result of some well formed intentions.


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